70 percent tint 
If you are like most people, you wonder why some vehicles have a darker shade while others don’t appear to have any shade. Well, it all comes down to percentages. The percentage refers to the amount of light passing through the window. Here we look at everything you need to know about 70% tint. Read along to learn more.
Understanding Window Tint Percentages
Whether you want to make your vehicle darker or lighter, understanding your options is paramount. After all, with the many options available, it’s easy to choose the wrong percentage and end up not getting the protection and the look you desire.
Percentages range from 5% to 90%. These percentages represent the visible light transmission (VLT) – the amount of visible light that can get through the windows. Ideally, the higher the percentage, the lighter the tint will be and vice versa.
Tint Percentages
Before we look at the 70% tint, let’s first look at the common types of tint percentages. They include:
5 % Window Tinting
This type of tint is extremely dark and doesn’t allow any visibility. Five percent is illegal under most local tint laws except for limousines.
20% is ideal if privacy is of concern to you. You can see through the window from an outside view with this tint, although it’s still very challenging.
Unlike 5 and 20 percent tints, 35 percent is easy to see through. Applying it gives a darker appearance, making it ideal for those looking to give their cars a smooth and stylish look.
As the name suggests, 50% tint blocks only 50 percent of the light from coming into your vehicle, although it still offers protection from UV rays and heat. This is ideal for you if you don’t want darkness but want to reduce glare and eyestrain.
What Does 70% Window Tint Mean?
70% tinting allows 70% of rays from the sun to pass through your windows. In other words, only 30% of the light is blocked from passing through the glass.
Contrary to popular opinion, having over 50% light go through your car windows isn’t bad. Instead, it offers an excellent way to improve your vision and reduce glare, which can significantly impact your driving. Some people choose a film that allows up to 90% of light into the vehicle. Besides that, you need to ensure that the percentage you choose is allowed by tint laws in your state law to avoid being pulled over by officers and paying huge fines.
Calculating Visual Light Transmission (VLT)
When choosing the level of window tint to install on your car, you need to consider the VLT of your current windows and the VLT of the film you want to apply. The truth is most automobiles don’t have completely clear glass when coming from the factory. That’s why you need to consider factory window tint when calculating the amount of light that will pass through the glass.
For instance, 70% VLT means 70% of the light will pass through while 30% will be rejected. Calculating combined VLT involves multiplying the VLT of the glass by the window tint. For instance, if you’re applying a 20% tint to glass with a 70% tint darkness, you need to multiply the two (20% x 70% = 14%), meaning your car will have a combined VLT of 14%.
Does this seem overwhelming? Don’t worry. Our window film experts at BuyScorpion.com are there to help. We have the high-quality tools to measure your glass to determine the best VLT percentage for you.
Tint Darkness vs. Visible Light Transmission
Darkness and visible transmission percentage are closely related, although they are not the same thing. Dark windows allow less light into the car. On the other hand, such a car will require a window tint with a lower visual transmission value. In the same way, vehicles with a lighter film will have a tint with a higher VLT percentage.
That being the case, VLT refers to the amount of visible light that can pass through the tinted windows, while darkness is the amount of window tint.
If you apply a 70% window tint, only 70 percent of light will pass through the windows. On the other hand, about 30% of sunlight will be blocked. If you are looking to block more visible light from passing through your windows, you need to apply a darker film. The VLT percentage will also determine the level of security, glare reduction, and UV and heat protection.
What’s the Best Percentage for Window Tinting?
Tint laws in your area are something you need to consider when choosing the best window tint darkness for you. Every state’s tint laws establish the maximum percentage allowed for windows.
Before choosing your tint darkness, it’s advisable to consult with a professional who understands the percentage legal in your local area. This way, you will get the right tint for you while still adhering to your state laws.
Tips to Choose the Best Window Tint Darkness
To that end, here are critical things to keep in mind when choosing darkness.
Why You Need Tinted Windows
Window tints block heat and protect you from UV radiation. Ideally, the reason you need tinting will determine the percentage you choose.
For instance, you may want a dark window film if you want to keep your car cool, safer, and improve privacy. On the other hand, you don’t need darker windows if UV rays are your primary concern. Instead, you can apply a translucent film that completely blocks UV rays from the sun.
You may also opt for a tint percentage to protect against visible light and doesn’t darken your windows completely for a more comfortable driving experience.
The Look of Your Windows
Unless you apply a significantly high percentage rating, the tint you apply to your car will impact the look of your car. It will affect your interior and exterior too. Considering the look of your car will help you choose the right tinting.
Quality of the Film
Percentage aside, the quality of tint you choose is paramount. To ensure you choose high-quality film, buy from a reputable window printing shop. Checking online reviews is an excellent way to know what to expect from a tinting professional.
To ensure that your product serves for many years, ensure that an expert window tinter installs you professional grade film.
Look at Other Tints
Looking at other cars on the road is an excellent place to start when choosing your percentage. Ask your tint installer about the different percentages of window films and provide samples to get an idea of how to look at cars. This way, you can choose the percentage that will make your car look as you desire.
Choosing the Right Percentage for You
Knowing the factory percentage when installing the aftermath film to your car is essential. For better results at a better price, have a professional tinting installer measure the tint amount and advise how much to darken your car to meet your needs.
Besides that, you must consider your local laws regarding car tinting to avoid being on the wrong side of the law.